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Call for Speakers for The Path 2016 Conference

The Central Ohio Agile Association is gearing up for The Path 2016 Conference. You have the opportunity to be a speaker at the conference by presenting on a topic of interest to the Agile and Lean communities.

We are looking for people who offer presentations that will be both engaging and informative. The topic has to relate to Agile or Lean, and you should be passionate about your subject. Your presentation should fit into one of the following three formats:

The tutorials follow a traditional presentation format, and will allow experienced practitioners to share what they have learned with a broad audience.

Collaborative Learning
A collaborative learning session is a peer-to-peer event, where everyone is assumed to have something to contribute to the topic. It provides an opportunity for joint problem-solving with other people on a topic. The coordinator proposes a topic, provides a bit of background and a facilitation structure. Then the attendees work in small groups, and mutually exchange ideas and outputs.

Agile From The Front Lines
Our attendees love first-hand accounts of what other organizations have tried and implemented. They serve as an exchange vehicle for practitioners, and provide a firsthand description of challenges faced, approaches taken, observations and reflections. Each presenter will be provided with a “shepherd” to help sharpen their presentation of the story. If you have lessons learned from when your team tried something new, this is the perfect format for sharing that story.


Submit the following information here.

Title – your first opportunity to make a great impression with both the submissions committee and attendees!

Short description of your presentation, including:

Introductory paragraph – Tell attendees what they should expect, and why they should choose yours over another session

Intended audience – Is yours an in-depth discussion for seasoned professionals, or is the material more appropriate for attendees who are newer to Agile concepts?

Learning outcomes – What will attendees take away from your session?

Speaker bio, including information about your Agile knowledge and experience, your prior speaking experiences, and whether you have delivered this particular presentation before.

Short video (2-5 minutes) that shows your ability to connect with people. It can be of you presenting to an audience in the past, of you giving a snippet of the topic you would like to discuss, or anything that shows us how well you connect with an audience. We aren’t judging production quality here, so feel free to use your phone or other cheap recording device. Upload it to YouTube and include the link, or attach the video to your email submission.

Any other information you would like us to consider, including which area of agility your presentation addresses.


Other relevant info:
All submissions will be reviewed by the submissions committee, and judged on the merits of the topic and the presenter’s ability to connect with the audience. Abstracts and videos should be submitted here no later than Monday, 29 February 2016. The conference is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, May 25 & 26, 2016.